Saturday, 23 March 2019

Why come to Bali?

Sometimes in life things happen that shake us to the core. A break up, the loss of a job or a dear one, depression, illness. Those things are a wake up call that universe sends us to stop and realign with ourselves and, from my perspective, they are blessings in disguise. If you are currently going through something like that, or are just simply toying with the possibility of taking a break from your busy schedule and want to give yourself the luxury of rest in beautiful surroundings while absorbing the magickal energy of this powerful feminine energy vortex that is Bali, why not choose this beautiful Island as your next holiday?
Here you can have nature and beautiful landscapes, nice weather all year round, great beaches and cheap prices compared to those in Europe and the States, but that's not the best that Mama Bali has in store for you, oh ready my friend, for if you choose to come to Ubud for a holiday, the first thing that you'll probably notice when you land here is that you will start to feel more emotional. In my own personal experience, I was amazed at the symptoms that took place in my heart chakra during the first couple of months that I spent here. I remember waking up in the morning with the PHYSICAL sensation, not just energetical but to the point of being physical, of my heart starting to break open. It started with feeling like a little hole the size of the thumb in the middle of my chest. Everyday that whole would grow bigger and bigger, expanding until it reached my whole torso and, when the expansion continued outside my physical body, I just KNEW my heart chakra had burst open. What a feeling really have to experience it to understand what I mean and I hope one day you will.
As I said before, Bali is a powerful vortex of feminine energy, a powerful land where the spiritual energies are super magnified and where you have to be very aware of your energy and toughts because things here manifest at a lightning speed. Let me explain this to you with a very small example. You are riding your bike and are thinking nice thoughts, you are trusting the universe, you start to feel you angels and guides more around you (Ubud is the city of the third eye and here the conexion with the other planes is stronger) and then suddently you have a lower vibrational or negative thought and, inmediately, you will get a bump in the road and almost fall of your bike. That is mama Bali's way of telling you "be careful my dear" watch your thought patterns. Here's another very recent one. I was dancing in my room one morning a couple of days ago and was speaking to my guides and channelling while I did this (this is a powerful personal practice of mine) and suddently I had this low vibrational thought of doubt in my self and doubt about my path and bum! the next thing I knew, I was on the floor after spraining my ankle in pain shouting to the universe "No!! I trust I trust! I trust my purpose and my path!!"
Now, this are just a couple of tiny things that might seem silly to you, but I really believe that nothing is casual and that you can get a lot of information from the smallest of things if you are open to SEE through different eyes.
So many people feel called to come to Bali for HEALING.
To take time to just BE. Go for a walk in nature, read a book by the pool, watch the sunset sitting on the beach, journal and reflect about those aspects of life that are not working anymore. And at the same time, benefit from all the display of healing and grounding activities availiable in the city of Ubud, to be able to integrate in the physical, emotional and energetical bodies the new levels of awareness that are coming up for them.
Isn't that great?
You can have your amazing holiday in an exotic destination and at the same time you can try ecstatic dance to feel the freedom of moving in a room filled with 150 people dancing like crazy to the beats of the Dj without the need of drugs or alcohol. Nobody looking at you or judging you, just the pure joy of expressing your self through dance and movement. You can go to a sound healing session and experiment a beautiful out of body journey or simply just a deep relaxation. You can try a breathwork class and experience the shifts in your emotions. You can try a chamanic energy clearing session and experience the release of old, stuck energies and feel the new found vitality and freedom. You can experiment with crystals and meditation, yoga and pranayama. You can try authentic relating workshops to learn to speak your truth and communicate better in your relationships. You can heal your sexuality with Tantra workshops, the way you relate to touch through contact improv classes. You can reprogram your subconscious mind with hipnosis and EFT techniques. You can learn to use movement to work through your emotions instead of numbing them with alcohol, cigarrettes, food, sex, shopping or any other compulsive behaviour. YOU CAN REALLY BECOME A NEW BORN PERSON HERE AND COMPLETELY CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Of course, as I've shared in other posts, you have to be ready to dive deep into some painful truths that you have been avoiding for years, but let me tell you that the feeling of expansion and freedom that comes after one of those breakthroughs, is like nothing that you have ever experienced before. This is your life and you get to choose how you want to feel and how you want to live it. Who are you and what is important for YOU, not for your parents, friends or people around you. Come to Bali and reconnect with yourself, remember who you really are and what you came here to do. Heal yourself and your past so you can be ready to live life to your fullest potential and shine your brightest light. YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT. All you need is that small first but huge step. To trust your intuition and the deep calling that you are feeling inside of you. To be brave to act on that intuition and set a date, buy that plane ticket, enroll on that course. Do you want to get to 90 and look back in your life wondering about the "what ifs" you didn't do because of fear?
If you find yourself now telling yourself I don't have the time or I don't have the money...just try this.  Write in a piece of paper what you want to happen as if you are already giving thanks for that happening. While you are writing it, visualize it and really feel it. See every detail of the picture, feel every emotion and leave the rest to universe. If you really want to come, if you really feel the need for a change in your life, TRUST that the universe always has your back and you will find the resources neccessary to make it happen. In the meantime, if you need help making that decision. Someone to guide you in that transition, you can ask for a personal coaching session online with me. You'd be surprised by how much support you can feel when sharing your fears and doubts and allowing your self to be seen, and how much clarity you can get about what to do and where to go from there.
In love and light.

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