Thursday, 6 June 2019

Thank you Mama Bali.

I am writting this while sitting in my Bali home, with spectacular views to the ricefields, watching a Kite flying in the sky and feeling deeply grateful for the huge transformation that has taken place in my life since I moved here in September.

I ask spirit to come to me, to guide my words so I can guide others through them and inmediatly I sense the subtle but powerful confirmation of a light breeze coming and the shivers going through my body that is spirit's way of speaking to me.

I now want to thank this land, this magickal land, that has held me and supported me beautifully while going through that radical transformation.

A few months ago, around the 24th of January, I had a conversation that changed my life. I had been guided to start recording videos and putting myself out there to speak about my journey and I was anxious about it. I was just starting to get out of a very very bad place emotionally, even physically in my life. I was feeling fearful about the videos but I "knew" in my gut that the time had come to do it. There was no more procrastination. I had just come out of a yin yoga class and run into somebody I had seen around town but never really spoke to in the past. Somehow, I found myself telling this complete stranger things that I had never told anybody...even things that I hadn't even told myself. The kind of things that you supress so much that you don't even allow yourself to get there. It was, like I said, a conversation that I will never ever forget. Somehow this person touched a button in my soul that nobody had ever reached before. This person has the gift of getting out of my mouth the pure truth.
If you know a little bit about psychology, you will understad that everybody has hidden deep inside their psyque certain longings that were never met while they grew up, and that they unconsciously look for those to be fullfilled externally by others (not the wisest move, but we'll get there later) when suddently somebody finds those soft spots and touches are hooked forever.
That conversation opened up something inside of a gate that I crossed that very same night when I recorded the first of a series of videos I have been posting on Facebook, where I have given myself permission to express my past hardships, my doubts, my fears, my worries, my shadows and the deep realisations, the wisdom I have been harvesting through my life's journey.

As important and as this person was for me then, and as inspiring as this person is for me when I listen to his own deep, honest and vulnerable sharings for which I am so grateful and that move me to the core. What has made me transform from caterpillar to butterfly is the process of this sharing through the videos posted on Fb. Giving myself permission to just be me, accept first and share later whatever was going on at the moment for me. Without judging it or trying to photoshop it to make it look prettier or more spiritual. Just plain, naive sharing from the purest of places.  Showing up in my life in the most authentic way ever.  Obviously having somebody in your life that you can have that kind of connection with, is one of the biggest gifts I have received in my life, and hopefully one day I will get to sit down and express this heartfelt appreciation.
But as I said, it is not wise to look for in others what you don't give to yourself (wether it be love, respect, appreciation or true soul connection) and that is something that Mama Bali has tought me so so well. Pain has been my biggest teacher these past months, and I have know engraved with fire in my soul a deep sense of self love, self respect, self appreciation and the ability to truly listen to myself, whatever is going on deeply down there,  and express it, feeling my own inner true soul connection.
I feel reborn, renewed. I've healed some of my deepest core wounds that I had been carrying for most of my life. That is why I want to aknowledge this sacred land. Because it has been Mama Bali that has taken care of me and has held space for me while I on this journey and I will never forget it...
I want to give back to her by sharing what a profound experience this has been for me. I hope that, whoever gets to read this, surely guided by the divine, will know now that there is such a magickal place were broken souls can go to heal. If you are reading this and you get the shivers, or you have a gut feeling that you have to come visit. That is Mama Bali's way of calling your soul. Listen to that calling and your life will change forever.

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