Saturday, 6 July 2019


Namaste beautiful souls.

A few weeks ago Mama Bali gifted me with  the opportunity to work on one of the shadow aspects of myself...oh boy...

To give you a little bit of perspective, I would like to share about Scorpio energy.
Scorpio energy is a very powerful energy and I- LOVE-IT.
I have a lot of this energy in my chart and that gives me a lot of inner strength.
As with everything in life, it has its lights and its shadows, and one of the shadow aspects is that scorpios can hold grudges for a very very long time...believe me, I´ve been there.
That´s why I am inmensely grateful for this chance to turn a bit of a conflict and some harsh words into the best stepping stone to grow exponentially in my journey.

You know? sometimes in life, universe gifts you with some special connections that at first, you really don´t understand. You´re like...WTF is this??!
They are very special connections designed for you to GROW...and I mean REALLY GROW. They are weird connections in the sense that they take place mainly in the 5D realms, between your soul and the soul of the other person. That doesn´t mean that in the 3D those two people have to have any kind of bond...sometimes they do and they become friends or partners or even spouses, and sometimes they don´t even know each other or they don´t speak. That´s not really the point of the connection. The essence of this highly spiritual bond is to trigger each other, sometimes through high vibrational tools such as pure unconditional love, and sometimes through low vibrational conflicts and harsh words.
To find oneself in this kind of highly spiritual connection is such an honor and a beautiful journey, which doesn´t mean is an easy one. But as an Indigo adult, and a person that is highly committed to truth, freedom and growth, it is what universe had in store for me.

The thing is that this soul connection is SO STRONG, that no matter how much you try to run from it, numb it, avoid it, hide from it, cut the cords with fire ceremonies...whatever...those cords cannot be cut.
Because those cords have been weaved for lifetimes and lifetimes and it´s not up to you to cut them. You two come from the same place, from the same star, which explains the overwhelming feeling of "being at home" when you are in the presence of this other individual.
It is a feeling that cannot be explained with 3D words, because it is not from this 3D reality, so it can hardly be understood by people that are not in the same circumstances, hence so many nay sayers. We all know that the human mind fears and criticises the things that it cannot understand.

When you are on this journey, you have to be prepared to be REALLY TESTED and REALLY TRIGGERED. This is no joke. External circumstances will try to discourage you, loved ones and close friends will look at you like you´re completely bonkers...all you will have is YOUR TRUTH and your faith, which is exactly what you need to navigate this journey...YOUR SELF.
Because this is a self discovery and self growth journey and it´s about YOU.

That said, the other side of this journey is that you really have a deep soul bond with the other person. You can feel their energy almost as clearly as if they were with you in the physical. You have telepathy with them. You have very vivid dreams with them...bufff...the intensity of some of this things is just...UN-BE-LIEVABLE.
And might I add, extremely confusing because in the 3D you might not even be speaking to them!! delusional squizophrenia for lunch anyone??
you have to sometimes take it with a pinch of salt and lots of playfullness...otherwise you´d go frikin´crazy.

But hey, what about having a growth buddy that pulls your energy up when you´re low and you do the same for them? that´s a nice one...what about having somebody that can REALLY UNDERSTAND YOU, REALLY GET YOU in your life? what about having someone that can make you feel the most amazing high energy feelings and sensations you´ve ever felt in your life?? not bad huh?
well...welcome to my life in the last few months.
There have been ups and many, many heartbreaking lows, but above all, there has been GROWTH. The most exponentially fast growth in my life that has left me with the BEST BEST BEST present     I´ve ever had in my life...MYSELF.
The kind of self awareness, self respect, self appreciation, self love, self knowledge and pure fucking wisdom I have now cannot be exchanged for ANYTHING, cannot be bought, it´s PRICELESS (for the card..hahaha, let´s just not be so serious, shall we)
So yeah...thank you Mama Bali for holding space for me on this journey and specially thank you to that other very dear and very special soul. May we keep helping each other to grow and to shine our lights. May we hold space for each other in our own individual journeys as we share the gift of this highly spiritual connection between us.

Here´s a video where I reflect on the gift of forgiveness that this connection allowed me to access.
May this information reach you, guided by the universe, if you happen to need to hear it.

Always choosing love.


Welcome to Ishtar's 3 steps to manifesting

Interested in knowing more about this fun, effective, unique tool?
Here's some general info about the steps and a couple of interesting videos.

Ishtar’s 3 steps to manifesting is based on the figure of the perfect triangle, where each of the three vertexes are powerful on their own but their power grows exponentially when combined together.

The first step is generating sexual energy in your body, which is really “Source energy”, the energy that creates everything in the universe.
Once your body is energetically supercharged, you will learn to move this energy using some Tantric techniques, so you can really feel it in your WHOLE body.

The second step uses all the energy that you have generated and focuses it, giving it an intention, to be able to direct it like an arrow. We do this with a ritual, because it is a very effective way to tap into the power of the subconscious mind and at the same time open up yourself to the assistance of the Higher realms, the energies of the God and Goddess, your ancestors, guides, angels and any light beings that want to help you with your manifestation, making it more powerful than, for example,
just using the law of attraction, which is another great tool for manifesting.

The third step is all about FEELING and EMBODYING that what you want to manifest, to ground it from 5D to 3D reality. This is key, because, unless you really believe and feel that you already have it in your life, it will be harder to manifest. So we dedicate the last part of the process to feeling what you want, embodying it, being it, and grounding it, so that you will attract it faster and more effectively.

All the steps are SUPER FUN to practice!

I mean, who doesn’t like to play with sexual energy, right?

You can get as creative as you want when performing a ritual and it will leave you with a sense of inner peace and connection to source.

As for the dancing part, well, I absolutely love it!

Don’t worry if you are a bit self conscious as steps 1 and 3 will be done in the privacy of your home. I will e-mail you all the instructions with texts and videos so you know what to do. For step 2, I strongly advice you to do the ritual with me, so I can use my magick and Indigo energy to assist you. I will design a specific ritual tailored to your needs and I will take care of all the preparations, I have all the tools needed. If by any chance you’re not able to do the ritual with me, don’t worry. I will send you texts and videos explaining the tools, steps and how to do your specific ritual.

If you are interested in working with me you can book a free 20 minute discovery call via zoom or skype, so you can tell me all about where you are now and where would you like to be in the future, and together we’ll see how this 3 step tool can help you reach your goals. E-mail me at

Click below to watch some videos on my Ishtar youtube channel that will tell you more about the project and how I channelled it.

Big Kiss!!

Channelling a powerful Shaman who was very pissed off!!

A few days ago, I went to the ecstatic dance Bali festival here in Ubud.  This event represented to me my actual reality. The life I always wanted to live and am living right now.
There was powerful music with amazing Djs and atmosphere. I danced my heart out from my gut, with pure freedom and authenticity.
There was a connection to the community. All the profits from the event were destined to help the Balinese. People from the Ubud community attended the festival and participated with their energy and their resources to make a stance in what they believe in, to make a difference.
There was an alignement with the universe. It took place at the same time as the powerful solar eclipse in Cancer on the 2nd of July. Cosmic grandma, a wise astrologer, gave us a talk about the meaning of this eclipse. The blessings from the universe to be able to choose what we believe in, what we stand for in our lives and make a wish, tap into our most true desires and be bold enough to ask for what we truly want.
There was a connection to the earth and the elements. Water, fire, earth and air ceremonies. Beautiful pools to connect to the water. A sacred fire to be with the fire. Beautiful Bali nature and surroundings to feel the earth and truly powerful breathwork workshops to tap into the power of the air.
Magick was present in every single offering of the festival. It was something that was just THERE. A tool to be used with wisdom to our advantage, and as much part of the festival as the music or the cacao, not something "paranormal" and to be scared of. There were "Dance Magick" workshops and I went to this amazing blindfolded innerdance class where the facilitators made sure it was a sacred space and opened up the opportunity for us to go deep into our magick journeys. They opened up the doors to the elements before we started and we used a powerful brethwork pattern while we were dancing.

Not surprisingly enough (although I was surprised, because I never Know when this things are going to happen) I went into trance.  In the last few years my mediumship abilities have come out of nowwhere like a frikin' mushroom and the first few times, it was a kind of a traumatic experience for the people around me...(chek the videos below to hear about those experiences) so I was extremely grateful this time I was taken care of by two amazing space holders (thank you so much if you happen to read this) and was held by the beautiful atmosphere of the class where everybody was just focused on their own journeys.
This is the video were I explain a little bit about the Shaman that came through me in the trance.

People out there who are reading this.
The Shaman was very passionate and pissed off and she was very adamant in getting across her message to us, "The chosen ones" the lightworkers community. The class was full of us, that's why I believe she chose that moment to come and speak to us as passionately as if she was giving a speech to a crowd of thousands of people.
she told us 
NOT to fall into fear. 
To believe in our selves.
To shine our lights.
to be bold.
To be strong.
To believe in our gifts and our connection to source and the messages and downloads we constantly get in our daily lives.
To follow our paths NO MATTER WHAT. No matter how uninviting the external circumstances might be. No matter the nay sayers. No matter the people, even our loved, close ones, that try to dim our lights and tell us that we're making things up.

She was also very very angry for what Gaia is going through right now. Her anger was aimed at the situation in general, not looking to put the blame in anyone or anything in particular, but just using her strength (and believe me, HER STRENGTH WAS AMAZING) to protect the earth, to work with her and not against her.

Namaste to ya'll.

If you happen to be curious about some of the other trances and phychic experiences I've been going through, check out this 2 videos. Who knows...may be if you feel called to watch them, they will have some kind of message or resonance useful for you in your own journey. I'm just sharing mine.

Last, but not least. This is a personal reflection of how I see "real power" and where my gifts come from.

May the universe guide you towards the messages and information that you need to go forward in your journey.
Big kiss!!

Monday, 24 June 2019

Empower yourself through dance.

Hi everybody.
This video was shot in the north of Bali, a beautiful place with black sand beaches where I took my Earth priestess training a few months ago.
The powerful feminine energy of the Goddess is such an inspiration for me when I dance, and I have been called to tap into that energy more and more since I have been living here in Mama Bali.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

More about me and how I chanelled Ishtar´s 3 steps.

Hello everybody!

The way I came to channel Ishtar´s 3 steps to manifesting project is full of magick!
and the cool thing about it is that everything is actually recorded for you guys to see.

A few months ago, I started to post some videos on my Facebook page sharing about my experiences and personal transformation taking place since I´ve been living in Bali. I gave myself the permission to show up in those videos in full authenticity, just being myself and sharing about my journey. 5 minutes before recording one of those videos, the idea of the 3 steps came to my head and I had a strong urge to record, so I sat down and did it. I hadn´t though about the idea beforehand. When I record, I have a general idea of te theme of the video but I never know what is going to come up, because it´s all channelled. I just hold my stone in my hand and talk...and sometimes I even end up talking about something completely different because spirit guides me there...well, who am I to say anything...I just follow the guidance. So I started videoing and the idea just came through. After I was watching the video and thought...OMG, I just found my thing!!
And that´s how it all started...

Below I want to show you 3 videos about this. The first one has a little bit more info about my self and how it all came to me. The other 2 videos are the ones I shared on Facebook where you can see how the idea takes form. Enjoy.

Interested in Ishtar´s 3 steps project? here´s a short intro.

Hi there!
Somehow the universe has guided you to this page and this info about "Ishtar´s 3 steps to manifesting" project. Nothing casual keep reading...this might change your life!

Ishtar´s 3 steps to manifest is something that I channelled and am very excited to share with others so it might help them manifest the life of their dreams.

It is based on the shape of the perfect triangle, where the 3 vortexes are of equal importance, each and everyone of them powerful in their own right, but even more powerful when performed together.

Step 1: Generating sexual energy in your body. A very powerful energy that was given to us as a gift from source and that can be channelled in different ways, not just sex.

Step 2: Once your body is supercharged with source energy, you focus it using a Ritual. You give it an intention. What do you want to manifest? it can be anything...if you can imagine it, you can manifest it.

Step 3: Once the energy is charged and focused in one direction, then you embody it. You feel it in your body dancing it, moving it, breathing it, voicing it. This makes you feel what you want is THERE, is real, because you can FEEL IT, therefore for your subconscious mind it is real, as it does not know how to make the difference between imagination and reality.

Step 4: Manifestation!! just welcome the things you want into your life. Live the life of your dreams.

Below you have a short intro to the project. Enjoy.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019


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